Yea, yea, yea. Here we are again. It's been how long? 8 months! 8 months! I should have reached goal and been maintaining for awhile but history continues to repeat itself. I sound like a broken record. I know what I needed to do and I didn't. Since November I finished Rush Fit. Then I tackled Cathe Friedrich's Xtrain for 90 days. I then did a 30 day version of Xtrain. Around May I decided to do a different video each day. Accomplished. July came and I said I would continue that but add a day of yoga. That yoga hasn't happened as of today. So where's the problem if I have been so active? The problems lies in my relationship with food. I did a 30 day smoothie challenge in June and the goal was to drop 10 pounds. Right. NOT! I have reached a fed-up point. I am not getting healthier or stronger because of the failure to fuel properly!! Therefore I have decided that even though I don't like "plans" because you have to think and "PLAN" I know I have to do something. I await the Primal Blueprint 21 day total body transformation book and some others to see if I can get myself back on track. I just need to make some changes in order to SEE some changes. It's TIME.
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