Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Almost one year since I last posted. Sighhhh.
Yes same old song being played.  Reset, restart, renew, revive,reevaluate, reexamine,rededicate,rejuvenate,etc!!!!  Still fighting the fight.  Far from goal.  Farther than a year ago.  Stuff happened.  No excuses. I'm on week 5 of the Kettleworx  program and today was day 9 of the 17 day diet.  Why did I choose a "diet"?  I chose it as a challenge to myself.  I've done this long enough to know what choices are good and not good.  I was just making more that weren't good.  I haven't gotten the book and I may just borrow it to get more background but the net has enough information to get me started.  There are 4 cycles with the first being the most restrictive.  I haven't adhered to it 100%.  Maybe 98%.  It's been hard but yet it's been easier than I thought.  Prepping, planning and being prepared  are the biggest battle for me.  Sticking to 2 servings of fruit a day is another challenge.  Only low sugar fruits are allowed for now and I want this melon so bad!!! I've stuck to chicken, turkey and fish so far.  No starchy veggies.  My salad I picked up from Wendy's had corn on it.  It was the half size so it wasn't much corn.  Honestly I still haven't written out a meal plan.  I do have one that was posted online since I don't have the book.  I haven't followed it to the T because I didn't want what was there.  Here is a food list for cycle one

You can head over to My 17dd blog  to see more on the program.  Like I said before----You gotta start somewhere and right now I'm here.  We'll look at Whole30 later.

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