Evolve and love. Evolving is changing. Change is inevitable and growth is optional. Things will change around you regardless of your participation. How you choose to respond and adapt is up to you. Life is about growing and sometimes growth is painful. The end result is often rewarding if you hang in there. Learning to love is the most rewarding thing we can do. Without love life can be miserable. Not just romantic love but brotherly love and self love. We often cannot love others because we have yet learned to love ourselves unconditionally. Love yourself so that you may love others.
"The Light of the Christ within now wipes out all fear, doubt, anger and resentment. God's love pours through me, an irresistible magnetic current. I see only perfection and draw to me my own". This is an affirmation from "Your word is your want" by Florence Scoval Shinn. If we can show the kind of love to others that God shows to us what an awesome world we would have.
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