I know it's been a month. I've just been lazy---too lazy. I have to get on the ball now. The season is changing and that closet is so unorganized. I'll keep picking the same 5 tops and bottoms if I don't get it together.
If you only have one closet designated for clothing (as so many of us do) then you have to switch out the clothing (shoes too!) that you wear in the spring and summer.
There are numerous books, magazine articles, websites, tv shows, etc. that tell us how to do this. Particularly when dealing with clutter control. We could just take all the things out of the closet, fold them and pack them away until the next season. That's fine but if we do that then we'd never get rid of the stuff we no longer need. So before packing let's ask a few questions.
1. Do I like this garment?
2. Can I still wear this garment---really wear it?
3. Does the garment need mending?
4. If I don't like, can't wear or need the garment can someone else use it?
Apply the questions to each garment. If you still like it, can wear it and it doesn't need mending then place in a pile to be packed. If you like it but can't wear it--ask yourself realistically will you be able to wear it the next season. If you believe you can then keep it. If not, place in the donate pile. Do this for all the clothes in the closet and drawers.
Once those are ready to store or donate then get the fall and winter clothes unpacked.
Apply the same questions to those garments BEFORE you put them in the closet. Honestly if you didn't wear it last year you won't likely wear it this time around unless it was something that didn't fit then and now fits.
An assessment of the garments allows you to rid yourself of excess and allows you to share with someone else. Sometimes you just don't care for something anymore. It no longer suits your lifestyle or fits your personality. Sometimes we have these impulse buys and after a couple of wears realize that it really wasn't right for us. It's ok to let it go. Someone else will love it and that frees up space to get things that you love and things that fit!
This applies to shoes, accessories and undergarments.
Six weeks ago my first post was about letting go. I started and created keep bags and go bags. Guess what they haven't gone anywhere. Find a person or place to donate to and do it!
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